
Our references and customers. List of collaborations and published illustrations.
Brief list of some of our clients who use our services in scientific illustration and animation:

IAB Grenoble: team “Dynamique de l’adhérence cellulaire et de la différentiation”
CEA: team Cytomorpholab – “Physics of cytoskeleton”
Institut Curie: team “Biomimetism of cellular movement”
Institut Pasteur: team “Imagopole platform”
Synthelis – cell free protein expression

Latest publications we contributed to:

figure (n° 6F) J. Cell Biol. October 2015
2 figures – review article: Review F1000, October 2015
figure (n° 6)+ cover proposition: Nature Materials November 2015
4 figures – review article: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, June 2015
figure: Annu Rev Plant Biol. April 2015
figure: Curr Opinion Oncol. January 2015
6 figures + cover image based on fig.1 – review article: Physiol. Reviews January 2014
figure (n° 1) Philos. Trans R September 2013
figure (n° 5) Methods September 2013
figure (n° 8) JCB August 2013
(chapter 2, 4 figures) Algal Reactor Design

Commercial booth design and illustrations for the website of Synthelis

Sketch for Cell free protein expression - scientific illustration
Sketch for Cell free protein expression
Cell free protein expression
Cell free protein expression via bacterial ribosomes